Wednesday, 13 October 2010

[Project 2] Create a presentation - Sharing

Hi all,
I see that some of you have finished your presentations already.
In this blog post, I will talk about finishing your presentation and sharing it with me.

Once you have created your presentation, click on the share (共有) button:

Then click on the 共有設定 button. You should see this screen:
Please put my email address in the ユーザーを追加 box (写真に書いてあります) and your student number in the メッセージ box. Then click the 共有 button.

I hope that is clear. If you have any questions, please email me at the same email address or leave a comment here.

Have fun! I can't wait to see your presentations.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

[Project 2] Create a presentation - help and tips

Hello all,

We went over how to register for an account in class. This blog post is a review.
  1. Go to this website:
  2. If you have a gmail account, just input your username and password.
  3. If not, then you can use your present email account, or you can register for a gmail account.
  4. Once you have logged into Google Documents, click the "Create new" button at the top
  5. Then click "Presentation".
Here is a guide about registering made by Google. This guide is in Japanese.
Here is a guide to using the Google Documents software. It is really useful.
Remember... You can add a YouTube video, by using the "Insert" menu:

If you need a picture for you presentation, you can use this tool.
Finally, please look at this presentation about how to make good.... presentations!

If you have any questions about how to make your presentation, please email me, or leave a comment below.