This post is to help my students register themselves onto their courses.
I plan on doing a demo in class referring to this post.
- First of all, tap on the Add/View button. You will be able to see this screen:
- Select the course you are on and you will then be able to add yourself. Tap on the Add button:
- On the next screen add your first name (1), last name (2) and email address (3). After that, tap "Add" (4) and your name will disappear. Finally, tap the button at the top with your course details on (5).
- You will be able to see your name on the list of students:
- Now, tap on your name and you can add a photo. Tap on the button that says "Get / Take Picture:
- You will have to take a photo with the iPhone camera, so tap "Take Picture with Camera":
- You will need to get a friend to take a picture of you by lining up your face and tapping the camera button at the bottom of the screen:
- Once you have taken a photo, you will need to save it by tapping "Use":
- You have nearly finished. Finally, tap "Student Detail", then your course name (same button) at the top of the page and return to the main menu:
- You are finished!
Thanks for registering!!
I look forward to teaching you this year. If you have any questions, please send me an email. (My email address is available here)
Mr. York.